What I Do

Applying decades of experience and  an extensive toolbox I design and facilitate process; the scope and types of projects include:

    • Organizational capacity building projects
    • Retreat, covening or conference facilitation
    • Building and maintenance of networks, collaborations and coalitions
    • Leadership development through team and systems coaching
    • Program and Organizational Planning
    • Organizational transformations including shifting to a culture of shared leadership, inter-generational transfers of leadership, integrating new leadership and developing and implementing new strategies, programs and structures
    • Organizational Assessments
    • Infrastructure assessment/planning/building
    • Restructuring and Re-Alignment
At its best, consulting brings together the art and science of organizational development.  My priority is to build partnerships to create the conditions where change can happen.  My point of view and approach embraces change holistically; that individual, group and social change are interdependent.  I work in partnership to design and facilitate process that embraces the complexity of individuals, organizations and issues.
Practically speaking, there are three layers to my role as Consultant:
    • Contribute practical experience and nuts and bolts tools,
    • Help the lead change agents in the group hold the process; including tracking timelines, commitments, decisions, deliverables, logistics and documentation, and
    • Maintain a keen eye and share insights on the dynamics and process of individual, group and social change that is occurring and that is being sought.

I have a track record of success, with both brief and long-term projects.  There are times when I work briefly with a group as a facilitator to help re-calibrate an ongoing process, break through from process to action, take a critical step in building authentic and courageous relationships or facilitate retreats and planning meetings.