

My experience in organizational transitions, nonprofit management and social change strategy combined with my skills as a facilitator make me a great partner in the process of organizational transformation.

The process of organizational transformation is first and fore-most an act of social change – we create change and are in turn changed by the process.

Nonprofits are not stagnant entities, they remain relevant to their community by changing and evolving; as living systems failure to evolve can result in a failure to thrive.  Circumstances such as changing community needs or dynamics, generational shifts in leadership, or progress on issues can impact an organization’s life cycle so significantly that nothing short of an Organizational Transformation will ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.

Organizational Transformation emerges through long-term sustained effort to change the way the organization and the people in it understand themselves.
The culture and structure of the organization are changed through a series of events that cannot be totally controlled or predicted.  The power of self-reflection combined with the leadership of change makers creates conditions where transformation is possible.